Service Package

Section 86.1 Spin-off Tax Election

For Investors

The successful completion of a Section 86.1 Election requires accurate preparation of the election form within specified time deadlines. Canadian Tax Elections offers you a unique service package for the preparation and delivery of your Section 86.1 Election forms.

Everything You Need

Canadian Tax Elections prepares the required tax election documentation, and provides step-by-step instructions for you to pursue the necessary approval from the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) from only $1,250*.

Please Contact Us to request your Elections Forms Preparation Package**.

The Election Forms Preparation Package includes the following:

  • Review and confirmation that a Section 86.1 Election prepared by Canadian Tax Elections, is beneficial for you
  • Timely and accurate preparation of your Section 86.1 Election based on information provided by you (collected information), later confirmed in your Engagement Letter
  • Secure and signature required delivery of all documentation including your Engagement Letter and your Section 86.1 Election package to your address for your continued action.
  • Written step-by-step instructions you will follow to obtain CRA approval of your Section 86.1 Election
  • A summary of tax benefits of your Section 86.1 Election, including details of:
  1. the current year taxes reduced in the year of the spin-off,
  2. steps to report the spin-off on your tax return for the year of the transaction,
  3. the adjusted cost base of both your parent and spin-off company shares after the Section 86.1 Election is approved.
  4. These three key pieces of information can be shared with your trusted investment professional(s) and accountant, as appropriate.
Joint Accounts

For parent and spin-off company shares held in joint accounts, a full set of Section 86.1 Election documentation has to be prepared for each of the account holders on the joint account. The reason for this is that the CRA requires each taxpayer to provide a complete set of documentation for the election. Special pricing is available for joint accounts from Canadian Tax Elections. A reduction of $100 is available for the second of the joint holders on the joint account from the stated cost for preparing the Section 86.1 Election.

Parent and Spin-off Company Shares in Multiple Taxable Accounts

Even if you hold parent and spin-off company shares in more than one taxable account, you will only require one Section 86.1 Election to take advantage of the tax reduction available. The quantity and adjusted costs base (ACB) of all parent company shares that you owned before the spin-off transaction would have to be determined to provide a total number of shares owned and a single ACB for that quantity of shares. If any shares are owned in joint accounts, this would mean only including your portion of the jointly owned shares along with any shares fully owned that are in your name only. Similarly, quantities of spin-off company shares received would be combined for all taxable accounts.

Your Engagement Letter

Prior to preparation of your Section 86.1 Election Package, an Engagement Letter will be prepared and provided to you. This Engagement Letter outlines the exact nature of our relationship and the services that will be provided to you. Your Engagement Letter will be sent by secure and signature-required delivery to the address you provide. All the information provided by you that is necessary to complete the Section 86.1 Election will be contained in the Engagement Letter.

By signing and returning the Engagement Letter you are confirming that the amounts and details noted in the letter are correct (including any of your updates) based on your personal information and circumstances for the purposes of preparing your Section 86.1 Election and that you agree to the terms included.

Once your signed Engagement Letter is received we will prepare your Section 86.1 Election based on the information contained in the Engagement Letter, allowing you to reduce current year taxes on the spin-off transaction.

For Accountants and Other Tax Advisors

Canadian Tax Elections is pleased to work with accountants and other tax advisors to provide Section 86.1 Election services to your clients. As it is a professional requirement for Canadian Tax Elections to have an understanding and knowledge of the client and their tax situation, a relationship must be established with the client for whom the Section 86.1 Election is prepared. For this reason we will only be able to accept completed Engagement Letters signed by the actual owner of the shares involved in the spin-off transaction for which the Section 86.1 Election is prepared.

Canadian Tax Elections will not initiate any discussions with clients, solicit, or promote any other tax or accounting services provided details of the relationship between the accountant / tax advisor and client is provided by the commencement of provision of Section 86.1 Election services.

But if a client inquires or approaches PAISLEY PIKE, CPA directly for more information about who they are dealing with for the preparation of their Section 86.1 Election, we will respond by providing them with the information requested or with a standard information package. For more information please inquire at

*Plus HST, GST and/or PST as required.
** All charges for professional services are final once the required work as outlined in your signed engagement letter is completed.

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